Family life flies past at unmeasurable speeds. (Here are your daughter’s first steps. Here she is driving off to college.) We can stop the action to show what’s going on within all that blur.
Whether you’re a family of electrons happiest when bouncing off each other— or a family of mathematicians who most enjoy quiet study together under a pleasant hush– who you are is what I aim to capture.
A Family Portrait Session should be fun— without rules, without stress.
Don’t be hustled into seats still hot from the last family’s three second “say-cheese-and-scat!” portrait. There’s no prep needed– because you guys are exactly who you should be. So– let’s take some time to be yourselves.
Let’s talk about creating images of you and your family— in our studio in Ravenswood, at your home or in an awesome location. I’m Joe, owner/photographer: 312.752.8005 or joe@bravelux.com
Sidebar: It’s great to take these shots yourself with a paper-thin slickety-slick smartphone, but really– you should actually BE in these shots yourself.