
Thomas Kelly

Had a chance to work with Thomas Kelly recently. He’s currently playing in The Neo-Futurists production of Pinocchio/Frankenstein— among other things. …he’s a clown. …and he’s hysterical. I wanted to show him as himself first– then going into clown costume– and then show him removing the makeup.  To me, one of the most compelling things about […]


puppets! for The Neo-Futurists new production of Pinocchio/Frankenstein

it’s been a while since I had a hand up a puppet (see photo to the right– a snap from my show The Hyperbolist at HERE Arts Center, NYC in 2010…so long ago it seems!), my fingers in the clay, butt at the sewing machine, or fist holding a paint brush– but a few weeks […]


The Neo-Futurists’ Pinocchio – Frankenstein

here are some shots from a rehearsal of Pinocchio/Frankenstein– a show written and directed by Greg Allen, produced by The Neo-Futurists– which opens on March 10.  I created the puppets for the Punch and Judy segment of the show.  the show’s dark, funny, darkly funny, intellectual, serious, and silly.  because they use some great comedic […]